Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Dear Show, Do Better: Week 1

After catching up with last week's television premieres, I've decided to start two weekly series. This first one will be dedicated to documenting a truly cringe-worth moment from the perspective of a feminist. The other series, "Dear Show, Good Job" will document a positive representation of a female character or feminist issue. I'll probably write at inconsistent times in the different weeks just because I have a busy schedule and the moments I'd like to document may come at different points each week. Let's get started!

Dear "The Big Bang Theory,"

You gave me hope and you took it away! For a few seconds on Thursday night I really believed that Bernadette and Amy were going to be allowed to talk about being scientists instead of talking about boys. Alas, within seconds my hopes were dashed as the topic immediately changed to the opposite sex. I've got to tell you that I'm sick of it! Just for once let the ladies talk about something other than boys! Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, and Raj get to talk about all sorts of things like science, comic books, movies, games, and, occasionally, girls. So why do Penny, Bernadette, and Amy only get to talk about their significant others? Believe it or not women have lots of interesting conversations about topics other than men. Start showing it on television!

Have You Heard of the Bechdel Test?

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